uHoo Aura
The uHoo Aura allows agencies to accurately measure and monitor the current indoor air quality within facilities, with the system also allowing for comprehensive EMS/BAS integration. Through real time continuous monitoring of 13 different indoor air quality parameters, agencies can measure the effectiveness of different solutions that have been installed, along with identifying if additional measures are needed.
How It Works
The uHoo Aura utilizes Al-powered insights based on scientific research to provide a real-time risk assessment of the coronavirus surviving and becoming transmittable in the air. With this information, you would know which specific actions to take to reduce your coronavirus risk.
The uHoo Virus Index™ is based on a comprehensive analysis of multiple air quality factors. The safety thresholds are based on scientific research conducted by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other scientific publications conducted by various scientists and universities.
Product Highlights
Includes real time virus index
Push notification alerts for parameters thresholds
Operates on iPhone and Android interface
Can be integrared into EMS/ BAS system
Can add total of 15 sensors
Data can read up to 100,000 devices on each account
Data is stored and easily accessible for report compilation
Commissioned through existing wifi network
Room by room floor plan
Can read give reading updates up to every minute
Detailed analytics